Bella Luna!


548665_507020659309197_559942420_nThere is a gorgeous full moon out tonight. I noticed it two nights ago and last night it was more beautiful than ever.  I wonder if that is why I am feeling extra emotional or melancholy. I wrote two very heart wrenching poems today and poured out my soul into them. I don’t know why I felt sadder than usual.  And everything was getting on my nerves.  Why was the sound of my son pacing the floor back and forth this morning annoying me so much, I don’t know. My daughter was sipping her coffee loudly then all of a sudden I raised my voice and said ‘How much more coffee do you have left anyway?  And No it’s not PMS….. I’m way past that at my age or am I? It’s just called something else now….. We always make excuses for our grumpy days.  I run out of excuses…

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The wonderful Full moon and me

548665_507020659309197_559942420_nThere is a gorgeous full moon out tonight. I noticed it two nights ago and last night it was more beautiful than ever.  I wonder if that is why I am feeling extra emotional or melancholy. I wrote two very heart wrenching poems today and poured out my soul into them. I don’t know why I felt sadder than usual.  And everything was getting on my nerves.  Why was the sound of my son pacing the floor back and forth this morning annoying me so much, I don’t know. My daughter was sipping her coffee loudly then all of a sudden I raised my voice and said ‘How much more coffee do you have left anyway?  And No it’s not PMS….. I’m way past that at my age or am I? It’s just called something else now….. We always make excuses for our grumpy days.  I run out of excuses.  Now I just say…. ‘It’s a full Moon”  haha

Austin Perfect (a five year old perfect Angel now)

Austin Perfect

(This poem is dedicated to Austin who was five years old and the son of my daughter’s boyfriend who just passed away after being sick with a brain tumor for most of his life. His Dad always said he was perfect even though he had a defect. They gave him a print of his footprints after he died three days ago. My daughter asked me to write a poem for his Dad to somehow give him comfort and to be read for the funeral.  This poem made me cry myself as I was writing it.  I never knew the little boy, but I cannot even imagine how horrible it must feel to lose a child. It made me realize that my problems that I thought I had are Very Small in comparison!  For Little Ausin;)


A perfect child was born

The day that Austin came to me

God lent me an angel for a while

To always make me smile

Some said that he had a defect

But when I looked at him

I only saw a child that was perfect

Even though he suffered so

His smile never left his face

As he longed for an embrace

Somehow he knew

That he was only here for a while

To make us all smile

Now he suffers no more.

He is cradled in God’s embrace,

And the angel’s sing him a lullaby.

He now has a joyful smile on his face,

Though I’ll miss him, I know,

That somehow I’ll see him one day,

As I kneel down to pray,

The tears come falling down.

I thought I heard him say,

Daddy don’t cry.

I didn’t die.

I will always be here with you.

I am your guardian angel walking besides you.

My footprints will be there too,

And always on your heart!

by Giovanna Sclafani Jan.23,2013  Copyright 2013


A purple Rose from an angel!

Well anyone that knows me would know that I love the color purple. I love all shades of Purple and have even written a poem about it. Purple is a mysterious color and is the color for those seeking spiritual enlightenment and is the color of royalty from ancient times. Priests also wear this color to signify the passion of Christ and repentance.

I just love the color and that’s really all it is.  But I am a spiritual person who believes in spiritual and supernatural experiences that I have had myself. That is another story well sort of.

I had been having a terrible day recently and everything seemed to be going wrong that day. I had terrible pain in my leg from a burn wound that I had obtained right before New Years and a second degree burn which are very painful and slow to heal. My burn is on my leg and was the size of the palm of your hand;a large hand.  I was so exhausted and pain ridden and by the end of the day, I was ready to fall into my bed soon when my grandson found a silken purple rose in the living room. I told him”where did that come from” ?  He said that he didn’t know but found it there. I asked if it belonged to his mom and if she left it here. He said no, it’s not hers. I was perplexed at this and asked my grandson to follow me with the rose into my bedroom and I’d show him why. On my dresser, in a vase was an identical real rose that was wilted and dried.  Only this new rose that he found was silk and had a white colored stem and leaves.  When he placed it in the vase along side of the other purple rose, it wilted down exactly like my other real purple rose… My grandson said ‘Look it’s doing the same thing as the other rose’

Now for most people they would say Oh well, it’s a coincident but for me it was like an angel sent me a ‘hug’ that i needed after having a horrible day. Silly? You say?  Maybe! But  since I do love purple and I adore roses, it made me happy!  And for me, that day, it meant everything.  I felt like it was a hug from an angel… I believe in the supernatural but therein lies a long story for later.Image

From a poet to a lyricist. What a grand feeling to help write a song!

I thought that the best thing that I ever did was to publish a poetry book until I collaborated on a song with my good friend Nigel Spencer.  It wasn’t any harder than writing poetry except I had to count syllables on each line much like a Haiku in poetry only set to music.

It was easy to write to Nigel’s great and beautiful music. He sent me the music and I listened to it over and over until I got the feel for what the lyrics should be. At first I had ‘writer’s block’ as I kept pouring over all of my poetry lyrics and trying to see if any fit with the syllables in the tune. Finally,I got tired and decided to sleep on it and maybe I would come up with some lyrics tomorrow.  Well, I have found out that it’s hard for me to contrive poetry, the words have to come to me in the form of inspiration or soul searching or from another dimension or spiritual world. I know that sounds crazy but it does seem to be a mystery sometimes at how I arrive with lyrics to my poetry. I read my finished poems sometimes and wonder where it all came from. And other times, I read my poetry and think to myself that I am terrible.. I have insecurity issues, I believe. But this particular day, I woke up and I kid you not, the lyrics were resounding in my head…. I couldn’t believe it, and within fifteen minutes I wrote words to a song.  Now the lyrics are not so profound as my poetry is sometimes but I find songwriting can be more restrictive to creativity depending on the syllables allowed.  I wish that I could write music, then   I would just write my own lyrics to go with my music.  

I am very pleased and happy how this song came out and I tell you this song made me cry!  And from the beginning ,as soon as I heard the music, even without words, I knew it was going to be a sad love song thus came the title ‘Sad Chords, Goodbye” and I thank Nigel Spencer for writing such beautiful music.  He sprinkled his magic dust on this song and made a beautiful arrangement that is so special to me. I was so overwhelmed when I heard this finished song for the first time, that I felt warm tears of joy flowing from my eyes.  I love his musical and vocal interpretation of my lyrics! It was perfect in every way for me!

I hope to be writing more song lyrics soon and to be collaborating on some spoken word poetry with another musician friend of mine. I am so excited on the doors that are opening to me since my book publication. Of course, these musicians were already good friends of mine before. 

Now I’d love to share this song again by Nigel Spencer and me.  


Hope you enjoy. I just had to share my story here.

Heart Chords (C.) Copyright 2013 by Giovanna Sclafani


Heart Chords

I want to live in your song

And linger on every line

And savor each chord divine

That plays so softly

On my heart strings

I want to live in your song

with all the beauty it brings

That touches my heart so gently

Like your silken touch on the keys


As I linger on every note you play

I inhale every breath

On each and every rest

And in every word that you say


As the music resounds

And touches my soul

My heart is beating like the drums

That I hear in your song

And the guitar you sweetly strum


I savor every word that I hear

As you sing your song so dear

The sad chords that make me bleed

As I shed many a lonely tear

As the chorus rises with power and might

That gets me through the long and lonely night


As I cross the bridge my heart soars

Like the crashing waves on the shore

That flow now within me in this melody


I want to live in your song and never depart

On each chord brings such beauty

That resides now in my heart

In every note that you breathe

I feel such love and tenderness

I long to live in your song

And never ever leave


As I linger on each chord

And savor it’s beauty

That makes my heart sing

As you play your strings

And the mellow sounds of bass

My pain it does erase


Oh how I long to reside in your song

And never leave this place

It’s like heaven’s embrace

And is where I want to be

To live in your song for eternity

Pandora’s box

Life can be cruel,

no one said it would be!pandoras-box

Love can be even crueler,

no one said it wouldn’t be.

They have painted love

to be roses and hearts,

and dreams that come true.

Reality paints dreams blue,

with broken hearts askew.

Can elusive truths emerge?

for lovers that converge,

upon lifes secrets,

that the gods have sealed,

in pandora’s box,

only to guard love’s secret,

a metamorphasis of souls,

joined together in aqua skies,

bounded by lies,

spirits ascended,

as we watch them arise

from pandora’s box