My fickle muse

I think most writers go through a dry spell when it seems like you experience what is called ‘ writers’ block’. This has happened to me for the past two years or so. I blame my muses. I say they are being fickle! What did I do to anger them?

Well honestly, I have no one to blame but myself and I’ll tell you why in a minute

You see, I have been filling my mind with worries and that has been blocking the free flow of inspiration to pour out from my brain. Negative thoughts can block beautiful poetic creations to emerge. Unless you want to write dark poetry.

Sometimes, dark or sad poetry emerges out of our difficult or sad times in our lives but seriously, who wants to always read sad or dark poetry. I think people want to read beautiful and uplifting poetry or deep and profound musings. It’s true, some of the best writings have come from very sad or devastating events in our lives but I always try to end the poem with a positive twist or a lesson learned from our trials in this life. There usually is some sort of lesson to be learned for every trial we’ve been through in this life even though we might not realize it at the time

Well, I think my muses have returned and I am over joyed about it but I have to be careful not to ignore them or they might just fly away again to help someone who will take time to listen to their whispers of poetic musings. I was on a roll last month and I was writing a short poem every day but I got side tracked with other things lately and have been ignoring my muses again They don’t take lightly to that! 😎

So,Thank you my dear fickle muses. Don’t leave me again! When they are near,my words just flow like a river.

I will write my daily poem shortly on my poetry site.😄 I promise🙏😇

I love my muses. I hope to meet them one day. 😆❤️🌸👌

New album “SAD CHORDS GOODBYE’ by Nigel Spencer NEW RELEASE

I am so pleased and honored to announce the release of a new album by Nigel Spencer as the title track of the Album is my lyrical creation “SAD CHORDS GOODBYE’   This is my debut as a lyricist as I was honored to write five lyrical tracks on this album.   This is really a beautiful and heartfelt compilation of songs with great music and emotive lyrics and singing throughout it.  Please take a listen and support the unsigned artists of the world.  There is a world of great music awaiting those who will discover it.  Nigel has a vast discography of albums that you can view on his bandcamp page on Reverbnation.       Just Today Nigel has gotten an E mail from a VIP stating ”  British Library Sound Archive have requested copies of my music albums for posterity.”   His music really IS stellar.   

British Library Sound Archive have requested copies of my music albums for posterity.”    please check out his new album and music on reverbnation.

Wellsprings NEW SONG by Nigel Spencer 2013

I am so proud to have been a part of this song….. My fifth song collaboration with Nigel Spencer. I started out writing poetry and not I’m writing song lyrics……. Yay……..!!!!!

giovanna   check out my latest collaboration on this song with Nigel Spencer’s beautiful music!!!   I am so proud to have been a part of this song as I wrote the lyrics.  This is the fifth song now that I have written lyrics for.   I love writing lyrics for songs.  it’s such a wonderful feeling to listen to the finished product and to realize that I have been a part in a creation of wonderful music!!!!

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Wellsprings NEW SONG by Nigel Spencer 2013   check out my latest collaboration on this song with Nigel Spencer’s beautiful music!!!   I am so proud to have been a part of this song as I wrote the lyrics.  This is the fifth song now that I have written lyrics for.   I love writing lyrics for songs.  it’s such a wonderful feeling to listen to the finished product and to realize that I have been a part in a creation of wonderful music!!!!

From the pits of hell I arise


I took a journey on the dark side

and found myself in the pits of hell

with no where to hide

in the bottomless pit I fell

with no warning or sign

I stumbled into his web

lured by the feast offered

and the prize was fed

little did I know the price I’d pay

for being in this hell where i was led

Seaching for an escape

from this complicated maze

I’m wandering like a cat without a head

not knowing which way to be led

I cry out for help from the depths of my misery

with no compassionate soul to hear me

I pray for the gods to help me

they seemed to be sleeping

I am so lost

filled with terror

of never finding home again

for what was my sin

Awake Oh Gods above

lead me out of this abyss

to a land of milk…

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